Wednesday, February 13, 2008

First Post !!!11one!11!

Finally, I've decided to start typing for this blog, I've been putting this off for a long time. I had a few great ideas on what to type, but sadly, due to the procrastination I have been doing, I don't remember any of them. Oh well, now, I'm typing this on impulse, and I have no idea what I should type at all. Lets see, most people type about their thoughts, their life or post humorous stuff on their blogs, so why not I try doing all 3 today ? All in one post, with 3-in-1 goodness...

Topic One: Thoughts

You might not be wondering why I started this post, but I'll still type it out here, whether you like it or not, the only reason for that being I can't think of anything else to type about under this topic.

So, I'll start typing out generic reasons for starting this blog now. I started this blog to practice writing, and to just write out whatever nonsense that creeps into my mind so I can sleep in peace at night. A few months ago, I came to realize that my English sucks, my writing sucks, and I can't write to save my life. So here I am, a few months later, trying to do something to remedy that problem of mine. For the other reason, well, sometimes I get thoughts like "Why is the earth a sphere ? Why is it not a disc instead ?" when I try to sleep, now this blog can be a place for me to type crap like that when they come into my mind.

Hmm, topic one done, and I don't like what I typed, its a failure, but there is no point in brooding over a failure, is there ? Therefore, on to the next topic !

Topic Two: Life

Since today is not over yet, I shall write about what I did yesterday !

Yesterday, I woke up around 10 o'clock, washed up, ate breakfast, then sat in front of the pc, after that I went for lunch, when I came back, I sat in front of the pc again until dinnertime, which is when I went to get dinner, after dinner I sat in front of the pc again, and then about 12 o'clock I went to sleep. Basically, what I did yesterday can be summarized into a flow chart like this:

Alright, that was sad, I don't want to think about this anymore, another miserable failure on the list. Next.

Topic Three: Humor

Now now, being the dull person that I am, you can't possibly expect me to think and write something humorous right ? And they say that plagiarism saves time...

So after countless seconds on Youtube, I found a funny video, enjoy. But before you start watching, the F word is used A LOT in this video, so be careful, in case your parents are around or something...


Soony said...

Wheee.. first to comment in this blog.. hehe.. =) seems that your life is boring .. play more dota la =P haha.. or upload something about dota.. hHAHA
Keep up the good work

xzenith said...

=P ur vid has been deleted by youtube

Anyways, Hi-5

I was thinking bout the same thing when writing a blog.

Shandy said...

hi, thanks for the comments, here, cookies for both of you =D

And don't say the D word ! It's a taboo ! That D thing ruined my life, it made my life what it is now !! I have to go for rehabilitation soon I guess...

kc said...

lol that flow chart's nice and keep up d good work =) just knew that u got a blog too. xD