Monday, October 20, 2008


XX October 20XX

Its a dark humid night, occasional cries from drops of water clashing with other surfaces could still be heard. Once in a while there would also be pitiful cries that sound like they come from some small animal, a dog perhaps ? Or could it be a cat ? Cries that sound to me like cries of agony, lamenting the cruelty of the world around them, the world of humans, a world detached from the natural wild, a world where food and shelter do not come easy, a world where they have been abandoned. But I ignore those cries, what could I possibly do ? Call me cruel, but you would have done the same.

The only visible electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 380–750 nm around me comes from the screen in front of me, and from the street light in that back alley my room oversees. No. I don't live in an underground basement. Although it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I actually did.

It is in this room that I watch, the coming and going of people. That old lady and her friends, long past their primes, but still playing a meaningful role in society, caring for their families with love, out marketing so that they can have lunch and dinner prepared to satiate their sons or daughters or in-laws or grandchildren with the most nutritious, mouth watering dishes. Probably.

And I watch the little children, trotting to follow their parents or grandparents, some would be unhappy, being lectured by their elders, some delighted by chance to experience through their senses what they do not get to experience in their homes, the beauty of the world. Ah, those blissful children who now only see the good side of things, enjoy this moment, for there will be a time where you grow up. And grown up see things rather differently...

And the cooks, the Indonesian who does the cleaning and washing of dishes, the family who owns the sundry shop, the lorry drivers, the laborers carrying gas tanks up and down the lorries, the office workers...All getting on with their jobs. They sing, they hum to the melodies of the music from the radio, or music from my computer speakers. They joke with each other and laugh manically. They contribute to society, they lead meaningful lives. But the world spins on, and how would they be remembered as ?

Why did I type all that you wonder...I wonder too...

The rain is falling again, I'll retreat into my dreams for now. I can only pray that the world is still around when I wake up, and that I can do many many questions of maths, and for me to have the resolve to fight the evil which is dota.

~One Bored Anonymous~

1 comment:

Desmond Wee said...

This sounds like an application essay into MIT.

[QUOTE] The only visible electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 380–750 nm around me comes from the screen in front of me [QUOTE]. Hmmm... hold on a second, no other electromagnetic (EM) radiation (like dim lights?)